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Version: 3.36, January 2021 [6.207.344 words]

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  Ending letters: (writes only the end of the word)

There are too many words that rhyme with "se".

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redefines research (eg write more letters, use filters, etc.).

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Words with 1 syllable: abase, apse, arse, ase, asse, barse, base.

Words with 2 syllables: abaisse, abesse, ablesse, abrase, abtruse, abuse, accerse, accise, accurse, accuse, acrose, acylase, adenase, adrowse, adverse, advise, affuse, agrise, aguise, ahorse, aldose, alerse, alloclase, allose, almose, alose, altesse, alwise, amidase, aminase, amuse, amylase, anabasse, anise, apiose, apoise, appease, appense, appose, appulse, apulse, apyrase, aquose, arase, arcose, ariose, arise, arkose, arose, arouse, arrouse, asperse, assise, averse, avulse, axwise, bagasse, baleise, bandcase, baptise, barwise, bathorse, bawhorse, becasse, beparse, biose, birse, bise, blase, blesse, blouse, blowcase, blowse, boise, bose, bourse, bouse, bowse, brasse, briefcase, brimse, brise, brose, brosse, browse, bruise, btise, bulse, burse, carse, case, casse, cease, cense, chase, chasse, chese, chinse, choise, chose, chouse, chowse, chuse, chymase, cise, cleanse, clipse, close, clumse, coarse, collapse, copse, corpse, corse, cose, cosse, course, crease, crevasse, croise, crose, crosse, crouse, cruise, cruse, cryostase, cuisse, curse, cyclase, cytase, dase, debase, declasse, delapse, dense, depayse, dephase, diabase, dialyse, diapase, diastase, dibase, diecase, dioptase, diose, diphase, disbase, discase, dorse, dose, douse, dowse, drowse, druse, dulse, ease, elapse, else, embase, ense, erase, erse, ese, esse, evase, false, farse, fease, fesse, filasse, fise, flense, flouse, fnese, fosse, fougasse, frase, frasse, friese, frise, froise, froisse, fuse, garse, gease, gemse, gilse, girse, gise, glimpse, glinse, glucase, gorse, grease, grilse, grise, grosse, grouse, growse, guanase, guise, gyrase, gyse, halse, hanse, hawse.

Words with 3 syllables: abnormalise, abscise, abscisse, absterse, abstruse, accrease, acerose, acervose, acetose, acinose, actualise, actuose, adenose, adipose, advertise, aerose, afternose, afterwise, agarose, agavose, aggerose, aggrandise, agonise, airwise, ajourise, aldehydase, aldolase, alehouse, aliesterase, alkalise, allegresse, almshouse, aloose, altarwise, altrose, ambrose, amenuse, amortise, amygdalase, amylopsase, amylose, analyse, anaphase, anatase, anchylose, ancylose, anginose, anglaise, angoise, angulose, anhelose, anientise, animalise, animose, ankylose, annamese, anniverse, annulose, anorthoclase, anorthose, anstosse, antiamylase, antidiastase, antikinase, antilapse, antilipase, antinoise, antiphase, antisense, antrorse, antwise, anywise, apaise, apetalose, aphorise, aphyllose, apocalypse, aporose, aportoise, apostatise, apozymase, appertise, appetisse, applause, appraise, apprense, apprise, apurpose, araise, arbutase, archaise, archhouse, archwise, ardoise, arenose, argentose, arginase, argyrose, armorwise, aromatise, arriswise, assamese, astrose, athwarthawse, atomise, autolyse, auxamylase, azotise, babyhouse, backhouse, baghouse, baigneuse, bakehouse, balayeuse, balinese, balladise, balladwise, balourdise, bannerwise, barbarise, bargeese, bargehouse, bargoose, barrelhouse, barrelwise, bastardise, bathhouse, batteuse, bavaroise, bawdyhouse, because, becense, bechase, beclose, becurse, bedcase, bedouse, bedrowse, begrease, behearse, beltcourse, beltwise, bemuse, bendwise, bephrase, beprose, berceuse, berinse, bespouse, betise, beverse, bhutanese, biaswise, biogenase, biphase, biramose, birdhouse, birdwise, bitwise, blockhouse, bluenose, boatwise, bodywise, boose, borlase, botanise, botryose, boudeuse, braise, brandise, bretesse, brewhouse, brickwise, broadwise, bromise, broose, brownnose, brutalise, bughouse, bulbose, bullose, bunkhouse, burmese, butyrinase, cablese, caddesse, cadesse, caisse, callose, camise, camuse, capcase, carcase, cardcase, carnose, carosse, carouse, casease, catouse, catwise, cause, causse, cayuse, cellose, cellulase, cerise, certose, ceruse, chaise, chaldese, chamise, chastise, chausse, cheese, chemise, chevise, chinese, chitose, choirwise, choose, chophouse, churchwise, cicatrise, cicatrose, cimaise, cingalese, cirrhose, cirrose, cladose, clause, clinoclase, cloakwise, clockcase, clockhouse, clockwise, clubhouse, coagulase, cobhouse, cocause, cockarouse, cockhorse, cognise, coiffeuse, coimmense, cointense, cointise, collagenase, colmose, comatose, combwise, commise, commorse, comose, compense, compose, comprise, compulse, comtesse, concause, concise, concourse, condense, confuse, consperse, contise, contoise, contredanse, contuse, converse, convulse, cophouse, coprose, copywise, coraise, cornhouse, cornmuse, corteise, cothouse, cotise, cottise, coulisse, counterapse, counterbase, courthouse, couveuse, cowhouse, crabwise, crankcase, creese, cribose, cribrose, crinose, croose, crosswise, crustose, crystallise, crystallose, culpose, cuprose, cutose, cutpurse, cyanose, cyclose, cymaise, cymarose, cymose, cystose, damasse, database, deadrise, deamidase, deaminase, deboise, debruise, deburse, decease, decise, deckhouse, decourse, decrease, defease, defeise, defense, deforse, defuse, degrease, dehydrase, delouse, demerse, demihearse, demihorse, demise, demitasse, dentalise, depose, depthwise, depulse, desamidase, desaminase, desmolase, desmose, despise, despose, despouse, devise, dextrinase, dextrorse, dextrose, deyhouse, diaclase, diagnose, diamylose, diapause, diaphorase, dicaryophase, diewise, diffuse, dikaryophase, diocese, dionise, diosmose, diplophase, disabuse, disadvise, disburse, dischase, disclose, discourse, disease, diseuse, disguise, dishorse, dishouse, dispense, disperse, displease, dispose, dispurse, disseise, disuse, diverse, divise, divulse, dockhouse, doghouse, dogmatise, dollarwise, dollhouse, dolose, dompteuse, dormeuse, dormouse, dosshouse, drawhorse, drayhorse, dreamwise, dropwise, drupose, dryhouse, duchesse, duckhouse, dulcose, dumose, dyehouse, dyscrase, ebriose, eclipse, ecrase, effuse, elastase, elastose, ellipse, embrase, emerse, emphase, empresse, emprise, encase, encense, enchase, enclose, encrease, endorse, endwise, enhearse, enolase, enthuse, entresse, epappose, ephapse, eprise, ereptase, ernesse, erose, espouse, esprise, esquisse, esterase, ethmose, euclase, everse, evese, evulse, excelse, excise, excurse, excuse, expanse, expense, expose, expulse, extense, extrorse, famose, fanwise, fause, favose, fesswise, fetise, feudalise, fibrose, fieldmouse, filose, finalise, finesse, firebase, fishhouse, fistwise, flatnose, flatwise, flexuose, flneuse, floccose, flockwise, flophouse, fluidise, fluviose, focalise, foiblesse, foldcourse, foliose, forbruise, forchase, forclose, forechase, foreuse, forkwise, forlese, formalise, formose, forprise, fraise, freebase, fretwise, friandise, frognose, frondose, frontwise, fructose, fructuose, fruitwise, fucose, fumarase, fumeuse, fumose, fungose, furanose, fusariose, gearcase, geese, gelatose, gelose, genoise, gibbose, ginhouse, globalise, globose, glucose, glumose, glutaminase, glutose, glycose, glyoxalase, gnathobase, goose, gormandise, gourmandise, graisse, granose, greese, grivoise, groose, groupwise, grumose, guardhouse, guesthouse, guestwise, gulose, gummose, gunhouse, gutwise, gynobase, gyrose, hailse, hairse, hamose, haplophase, hardcase, haulse, hause, hausse.

Words with 4 syllables: academise, acaulose, accessorise, acclimatise, accoucheuse, acetaldehydase, acetaldehydrase, achromatise, acondylose, actinomycese, acuminose, advoteresse, aeropause, aeropulse, affranchise, aftercause, afterclause, aftercourse, albumose, alchemise, alcoholise, aldoheptose, aldohexose, aldononose, aldopentose, alikewise, alkalinise, allantoinase, allegorise, alphabetise, alternariose, aluminise, aluminose, ambergrease, aminopherase, ammochryse, analogise, anamorphose, anastomose, anatomise, anchorwise, anfractuose, angiotonase, anglewise, anglicise, antagonise, antesunrise, anthemwise, anthracnose, anticlockwise, antiglyoxalase, antilacrosse, antilactase, antioxidase, antiprotease, antiurease, antrophose, apologise, apostrophise, apotheose, arabinose, araneose, arbinose, arborise, arbutinase, archdiocese, argyrythrose, arterialise, asexualise, aslantwise, aspartokinase, athwartwise, audivise, authorise, auxoamylase, bachelorwise, balancewise, baldricwise, bargainwise, baronetise, battlewise, battologise, beaconwise, beadhouse, beamhouse, bearnaise, bedehouse, bedlamise, beehouse, beerhouse, beewise, beggarwise, beggingwise, bellhouse, bellicose, bepraise, bestialise, betelgeuse, betraise, bicirrose, binodose, biologese, biporose, birimose, bisetose, bispinose, bistratose, bladdernose, bladewise, bleachhouse, boathouse, bodkinwise, boilerhouse, bookcase, booklouse, bookwise, boothose, bordelaise, botrycymose, bottlenose, bouleverse, bourgeoise, bowdlerise, bracketwise, bracteose, braincase, breadthwise, breastwise, breathalyse, bridehouse, bridlewise, brilliantwise, brinehouse, bullnose, burglarise, burnoose, butternose, caboose, cafardise, cakehouse, calabrese, calciclase, canalise, canewise, cannibalise, canonise, cantonese, cantwise, capewise, capillose, capitalise, caponise, caqueteuse, cardhouse, cargoose, carhouse, carquaise, cartelise, carthorse, caseose, casthouse, catalase, catalyse, catchphrase, catechise, cathouse, causeuse, cellobiose, cellulose, centerwise, centipoise, centralise, cerealose, cerebrose, cespitose, ceylonese, chancewise, chanteuse, chargehouse, charmeuse, charmwise, charthouse, chartreuse, chauffeuse, checkerwise, chemopause, chequerwise, chersonese, chevronwise, chloralose, chrysoprase, chytridiose, cicatricose, cinchonise, cinemese, circlewise, circularise, circularwise, circumcise, circumfuse, circumpose, civilise, classicise, classwise, clathrose, clearinghouse, cloisterwise, clotheshorse, coachwise, coagulose, coalmouse, coastwise, cocainise, cockerouse, cockneyese, colemouse, collegese, colonise, columnwise, cometwise, commonsense, communalise, communise, comprehense, compromise, concertise, conenose, confragose, congolese, consonantise, contrapose, contrawise, controverse, convertise, cookhouse, coolhouse, coperose, coppernose, coreductase, cornemuse, cornerwise, corticose, corymbose, cotransfuse, counteradvise, countercause, counternoise, counterplease, counterpoise, counterpose, countersense, countinghouse, covetise, creepmouse, creolise, crescentwise, criminalese, criticise, crucethouse, cubbyhouse, culverhouse, cumulose, currentwise, curtainwise, customhouse, customise, customshouse, cutinise, cyanophose, cymulose, cytozymase, dactylose, dambose, dampcourse, danseuse, danseusse, dartrose, deadhouse, debiteuse, decasualise, decimalise, decompose, dehumanise, dehydratase, dehydrogenase, delicatesse, delicense, delocalise, demagnetise, democratise, demonise, demoralise, denationalise, denaturalise, denaturise, depolarise, deputise, desidiose, despraise, devilwise, devitalise, devocalise, dextranase, diabolise, diagonalwise, diamondwise, digitise, dipeptidase, diphthongise, disaccharidase, disaccharose, discompose, disenclose, disencrease, disespouse, disharmonise, disinclose, disincrease, dislicense, disorganise, disparadise, dispraise, dispromise, dispurpose, dissyllabise, divertise, divinesse, divinise, divorceuse, doorcase, doorwise, dopaoxidase, dovehouse, dramatise, drunkenwise, dumetose, earthrise, ebonise, ecchymose, echowise, ecossaise, ecrevisse, edematose, edgewise, efoliose, eglomise, electrolyse, elegise, elsewise, emblematise, empathise, emphasise, endosmose, energise, enhaulse, enterclose, entermise, enterprise, epimerase, epiphanise, epruinose, equalise, equidense, equipoise, erinose, erythrose, eternalise, eternise, eulogise, eunuchise, euphemise, euphonise, evangelise, evenwise, ewelease, exanthalose, excercise, exercise, exorcise, exosmose, expertise, externalise, facewise, fadaise, faintise, faithwise, fanhouse, fantasise, faradise, farceuse, farinose, farmhouse, faroese, featherwise, federalese, federalise, feldspathose, felspathose, feminise, ferryhouse, fertilise, fessewise, fibrillose, fibrinose, ficklewise, fictionalise, fictionise, filamentose, fimbrillose, fingerwise, firehose, firehouse, fistulose, fittywise, flankwise, flickermouse, flittermouse, flocculose, floorwise, flosculose, fluminose, fluoridise, foliolose, foraminose, forbecause, foreadvise, foreclose, forecourse, foreglimpse, forehorse, foreprise, foresense, formularise, formulise, fossilise, fountainwise, fragmentise, framboise, franchise, frankincense, fraternise, friendliwise, fructokinase, frustulose, fruticose, fundraise, funnelwise, gablewise, galactase, galactose, galliardise, galvanise, gardenwise, gashouse, gatehouse, gatewise, gaultherase, gelatinise, generalise, genevese, genevoise, genoese, gentianose, gentilesse, gentiobiose, gibberose, gibbetwise, glamorise, glandulose, glasshouse, globulose, glucokinase, glucosidase, glutinose, gluttonise, glycerose, glycogenase, glycosidase, gneissose, golandause, gonidiose, gorgonise, gossypose, grandiose, grangerise, granulose, grapewise, grasshouse, gratewise, gravipause, greenhouse, grocerwise, gutterwise, gutturalise, gypsywise, halfwise, halmawise, hammerwise, hamulose, hardiesse, hardnose, harmonise, harpwise, hautesse, hawknose, hawkwise.

Words with 5 syllables: abolitionise, acetylcellulose, achrodextrinase, acutonodose, albopruinose, albumenise, albuminise, albuminose, amidohexose, aminopeptidase, aminotransferase, amylocoagulase, anagrammatise, anathematise, angiotensinase, anhydroglocose, anthologise, antialbumose, anticatalase, antisepticise, antityrosinase, apotheosise, arsenferratose, attitudinise, autotomise, biocoenose, bituminise, boardinghouse, bouillabaisse, businessese, cacqueteuse, caespitose, calaboose, camboose, caramelise, carbohydrase, carbolise, carbonise, carboxylase, carburise, castlewise, categorise, cathedralwise, catheterise, catholicise, cauterise, centrifugalise, centrodesmose, cespitulose, chapterhouse, characterise, charterhouse, chlorophyllase, choleokinase, cholinesterase, cocarboxylase, coffeehouse, collectivise, colonialise, commercialise, componentwise, computerese, computerise, conceptualise, consciencewise, containerise, contemporise, contraclockwise, contrariwise, conventionalise, conveyorise, costotransverse, counterclockwise, counterimpulse, counterresponse, countersurprise, countertraverse, cupromanganese, cymobotryose, decarbonise, decarboxylase, decarburise, decentralise, decolonise, decolorise, decolourise, defeminise, definitise, degreewise, dehydrochlorinase, dehydrogenise, demasculinise, dematerialise, demilitarise, demiparadise, demipremise, demobilise, demonetise, demythologise, deodorise, deoxidise, deoxyribose, depersonalise, desoxyribose, desulfurise, desulphurise, deuterocasease, devolatilise, dextroglucose, dichotomise, diffranchise, digitoxose, directdiscourse, disexercise, disfranchise, disfrancnise, dolomitise, dovetailwise, draughthouse, eclaircise, economese, economise, educationese, effeminise, effranchise, eglandulose, egranulose, ekamanganese, electrofuse, electroimpulse, embergeese, embergoose, emmergoose, emotionalise, emparadise, encarnalise, endonuclease, endopeptidase, enfranchise, enginehouse, enterokinase, enthronise, entrepreneuse, epidermose, epigrammatise, epimerise, episcopise, epistolise, epitomise, eradiculose, erythrulose, esquamulose, etherealise, etherialise, etymologise, euhemerise, exonuclease, exopeptidase, extemporise, exteriorise, faeroese, faineantise, familiarise, fanaticise, ferromanganese, fibrinokinase, fibroadipose, fibrocaseose, folliculose, footloose, foraminulose, foreadvertise, forechoose, foredispose, forepromise, forepurpose, fractionise, fructiculose, fruticulose, galactosidase, gandergoose, garlandwise, geologise, geometrise, glomerulose, gluconokinase, glucuronidase, goosehouse, governmentese, harquebuse.

Words with 6 syllables: acerbityacerose, acetylcholinesterase, achroodextrinase, adipocellulose, aminopolypeptidase, amylocellulose, anthropomorphise, anticholinesterase, bureaucratese, bureaucratise, carboxypeptidase, cataractwise, cerebrogalactose, chlorophyllose, compartmentalise, cosmopolitanise, countercurrentwise, counterexercise, cutocellulose, departmentalise, deuteroelastose, deuterogelatose, disenfranchise, disillusionise, electrophorese, entomologise, exalbuminose, gloeosporiose, granuloadipose.

Words with 7 syllables: deoxyribonuclease, desoxyribonuclease, deuteroalbumose, deuterofibrinose, deuteroglobulose, deuteromyosinose, deuteroproteose, deuterovitellose, dinitrocellulose, electroendosmose.

: carboxymethylcellulose.

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  Ending letters: (writes only the end of the word)

With this web searcher, poets and rappers of hip hop can find rhyming more easily.

You only need to write the ending word (one or more syllable) and automatically it will find all the words that rhyme with your desired word. This is useful for writing lyrics for rap and hip hop, writing poetry, studying the English language, etc.

Program limitations (or not):

  • No difference between accented and which are not.
  • The "ç" is treated like an "s" (to extend the scope of search).
  • The "v" and the "b" are treated as different (people complained when they differed).
  • You cannot search for words that end with one letter (it would show too many words).
  • Include words that do not exist in the dictionary, such as "graffiti", "rapping" or "graffitejar.".
  • Our separator syllables has been scheduled for an chimpanzee at the zoo and sometimes fails. Specifically, it does not distinguish between words 1 and 2 syllables. When possible, the monkey will fix the error.

Time used: 0,71 seconds

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[ If you can improve the translation, please use this form. ]

Thanks to Daniel Menezo García and Avm99963, to improve the translation into English.

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