RIMADOR dot NETThe Super Rhymer |
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Version: 3.36, January 2021 [6.207.344 words] |
Words with 1 syllable: barer, barrer. Words with 2 syllables: abhorrer, abjurer, adherer, adjurer, admirer, adorer, airer, allurer, alterer, appearer, armorer, aspirer, assurer, astrer, attirer, averrer, badgerer, bannerer, banterer, barterer, batterer, bearer, blurrer, borer, burrer, carer, cellarer, centrer, cerer, charer, clearer, comparer, corer, cosharer, curer, darer, dearer, declarer, destrer, dextrer, direr, dourer, entrer, erer, eyrer, farer, fearer, ferrer, fhrer, firer, flarer, fourer, fuehrer, fuhrer, gorer, hearer, hirer, hurrer, lurer, marrer, merer, mitrer, nearer, parer, porer, pourer, preparer, puerer, purer, purrer, rarer, rearer, roarer, scarer, scarrer, scorer, searer, serer, sharer, shearer, shorer, smearer, snarer, snorer, soarer, sorer, sourer, sparer, sparrer, spearer, spurrer, squarer, starer, stirrer, storer, sugarer, surer, swearer, swirrer, tarrer, tearer, tierer, tirer, tourer, vulgarer, warrer, wearer, wirer, yarer. Words with 3 syllables: acquirer, admeasurer, adulterer, adventurer, affeerer, anchorer, answerer, arbitrer, arborer, armourer, augerer, augurer, austerer, backspierer, beggarer, besmearer, betterer, bickerer, bitterer, blabberer, blatherer, blatterer, blubberer, blunderer, blusterer, bolsterer, borderer, botherer, boulterer, bracherer, broderer, broiderer, bufferrer, butcherer, butterer, calendarer, canterer, caperer, capturer, caterer, censurer, centerer, chafferer, chairer, chamferer, charterer, chatterer, cheerer, cipherer, clamorer, clamourer, clatterer, cleverer, clinkerer, clobberer, cloisterer, clutterer, cobberer, cofferer, coherer, coinsurer, colaborer, colorer, colourer, conferrer, conjurer, conquerer, conspirer, copperer, cornerer, cosherer, coswearer, coverer, cowerer, crossbearer, cumberer, cupbearer, dapperer, deferrer, dehairer, demurer, demurrer, denierer, deplorer, desirer, deterrer, devourer, dewaterer, differer, disappearer, disfavorer, disfavourer, ditherer, dodderer, dummerer, eagerer, endurer, enquirer, ensnarer, ensurer, enterer, ewerer, expirer, explorer, fairer, falterer, favorer, favourer, featherer, fermerer, fetterer, feuterer, fewterer, figurer, filterer, fingerer, flatterer, flavorer, flavourer, fleerer, floorer, flowerer, flusterer, flutterer, fodderer, forbearer, forswearer, fosterer, fripperer, fritterer, fruiterer, furbearer, furtherer, gatherer, genderer, gesturer, glowerer, gofferer, gunbearer, hammerer, hamperer, hankerer, haverer, hectorer, hinderer, hokerer, homefarer, honorer, honourer, hoverer, hucksterer, humorer, hungerer, ignorer, implorer, incurrer, inferrer, infirmarer, injurer, inquirer, insnarer, inspirer, insurer, interrer, jabberer, jeerer, jiggerer, kipperer, laborer, labourer, lackerer, larderer, latherer, leaguerer, leatherer, lecherer, lecturer, leisterer, letterer, leverer, limberer, lingerer, liquorer, litterer, loiterer, lounderer, lowerer, lumberer, lusterer, manurer, martyrer, massacrer, masterer, maturer, meanderer, measurer, ministrer, miterer, mongerer, motherer, muckerer, multurer, murderer, murmurer, murtherer, musterer, mutterer, naperer, neighborer, neighbourer, nonabjurer, nonadmirer, nonappearer, nondeclarer, nonhearer, nonswearer, numberer, nurturer, obscurer, offerer, orderer, otterer, outpourer, oysterer, pairer, palterer, pamperer, panderer, panterer, paperer, pasterer, pasturer, pathfarer, patterer, pelterer, pepperer, perjurer, pesterer, pewterer, pheretrer, philterer, picturer, pilferer, plasterer, platerer, pleasurer, plunderer, ponderer, poorer, posturer, potterer, poulterer, powderer, preadmirer, precurrer, preferrer, procurer, profferer, properer, prosperer, psalterer, puckerer, puncturer, putterer, quarterer, quaverer, queerer, quiverer, reamerer, reassurer, recapturer, recurrer, referrer, registrer, reinsurer, renderer, repairer, requirer, reshearer, restorer, retirer, reverer, roisterer, rollerer, rubberer, rumorer, rumourer, savorer, savourer, scamperer, scatterer, schnorrer, scissorer, scourer, seafarer, securer, severer, shatterer, sheerer, shelterer, shiverer, showerer, silverer, simperer, sincerer, skewerer, skijorer, slabberer, slanderer, slaverer, slenderer, sliverer, slobberer, slubberer, smatterer, smotherer, sneerer, snickerer, sniggerer, soberer, solderer, sorcerer, splatterer, spoorer, sputterer, squanderer, staggerer, stammerer, steerer, stenterer, stutterer, succorer, succourer, sufferer, summerer, sunderer, swaggerer, swelterer, taborer, tabourer, tamperer, taperer, tapperer, teerer, temperer, tenderer, tenterer, thunderer, timberer, tinerer, tinkerer, titterer, torturer, totterer, treasurer, tutorer, twisterer, twitterer, umpirer, unclearer, underer, upbearer, upperer, uproarer, usherer, usurer, utterer, vaporer, vapourer, venerer, venturer, verderer, verdurer, vesturer, vinegarer, waferer, wagerer, wanderer, warderer, warfarer, waterer, waverer, wayfarer, weatherer, whimperer, whiskerer, whisperer, winterer, witherer, wonderer, wrapperer, yammerer. Words with 4 syllables: agriculturer, archcupbearer, archflatterer, archmurderer, archpilferer, archplunderer, archtreasurer, armorbearer, armourbearer, beleaguerer, bespatterer, bullroarer, calenderer, caliperer, calliperer, calmierer, careerer, casebearer, cashierer, chainbearer, chamberer, cheeseparer, clamberer, coadventurer, codespairer, colorbearer, comurmurer, conjecturer, considerer, cosufferer, counterborer, cylinderer, decipherer, decoherer, deflowerer, deliverer, despairer, discoverer, disfigurer, dishonorer, dishonourer, dismemberer, disorderer, distemperer, embitterer, embroiderer, encipherer, encounterer, encumberer, endangerer, endeavorer, endeavourer, engenderer, enrapturer, everbearer, fanbearer, fartherer, fauterer, foosterer, footfarer, gaufferer, gausterer, gerrymanderer, harborer, harbourer, imbitterer, impairer, inaugurer, ingatherer, interferer, lacquerer, launderer, livebearer, macebearer, malingerer, maneuverer, manoeuvrer, manufacturer, maunderer, misadventurer, offscourer, overbearer, overhearer, palaverer, pallbearer, philanderer, pinfeatherer, prefigurer, premanufacturer, protreasurer, reconnoitrer, recoverer, refectorer, registerer, remanufacturer, rememberer, reupholsterer, sandpaperer, saunterer, sculpturer, seaborderer, sheepshearer, shoulderer, slaughterer, slumberer, sootherer, splutterer, structurer, sublecturer, subtreasurer, surrenderer, swordbearer, talebearer, tambourer, taperbearer, taxgatherer, teeterer, thoroughfarer, tipteerer, tollgatherer, torchbearer, trainbearer, transferer, transferrer, underbearer, undercellarer, underclearer, underlaborer, underlabourer, underroarer, underswearer, unfairer, unhairer, upholsterer, veneerer, woodborer, woolshearer. Words with 5 syllables: autocoherer, boatsteerer, codiscoverer, domineerer, filibusterer, interinsurer, manslaughterer, noninterferer, paternosterer, prediscoverer, reconfigurer, reconnoiterer, redeliverer, rediscoverer, standardbearer, subchamberer, thunderbearer, underadventurer, undersorcerer, undertreasurer, viticulturer, woolgatherer. Words with 6 syllables: electioneerer. |
With this web searcher, poets and rappers of hip hop can find rhyming more easily. You only need to write the ending word (one or more syllable) and automatically it will find all the words that rhyme with your desired word. This is useful for writing lyrics for rap and hip hop, writing poetry, studying the English language, etc. Program limitations (or not):
[ If you find bugs in the rhymer, please contact us. ] [ If you can improve the translation, please use this form. ] Thanks to Daniel Menezo García and Avm99963, to improve the translation into English. |